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The Basics of Auto Insurance

If you drive a car you need auto insurance. There can be no argument about that. However, the basic requirements for auto insurance are not always enough to cover you in an accident.

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What to do I the Aftermath of a Car Accident

I’m sure we would all prefer not to consider what would happen if we were in a car accident. With over 10 million car and light truck accidents in the US every year, the possibility exists that anyone could be involved in an auto accident

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When Should you Get Umbrella Insurance Coverage?

Life is unpredictable. That’s why we have insurance. Though, even regular home and auto insurance may not be enough for all circumstances. If you are at risk of being sued, an umbrella insurance policy could be a real lifesaver.

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Auto Insurance FAQ

Auto insurance is a vital part of a motorist's life, providing a financial safety net against accidents, thefts, vandalism, and other mishaps. Although it is one of the most heavily advertised services in the marketplace today, surprisingly few individuals are well informed about

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